Swimming Technique: Front Crawl

On this page we will see how to correctly perform some aspects in the crawl.
First we will look at some parameters and then we will watch a video in which we will have to check if the swimmer is doing them properly.
We will focus on the body roll, on the head and in the breathing.
The body roll shall provide:
- a deep and effective traction
- a good breathe.
The head should:
 - be slightly raised
 - view down and foward
 - rotate a little bit more than the shoulders for a good breathing
And the breathing:
 - inspiration throught the mouth
 - exhalation throught mouth and nose
   - cordination with arms: - inspirate at the beggining of the recovery
                                      - exhalate during the traction

Now we will watch Grant Hackket swimming crawl:
After analyzing the video, I can say that the swimmer above does correctly the parameters shown before.

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